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  • MX-View Waveform Editing Software Released

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    TASCAM has announced the release of MX-OS 3.05 along with both Mac and PC versions of the MX-View waveform editing software for the MX-2424. This free software upgrade adds new features and functions to the MX-2424, including Edit Groups, Marker Management and speedy Ethernet backup/restore. Like previous enhancements to the MX-2424 operating system, this software update is available as a download from the MX-2424 web site (www.mx2424.com) as well as from TASCAM's main site (www.tascam.com).

    "This free software upgrade continues our commitment to providing the finest standalone hard disk recorder available in terms of reliability, features, compatibility and audio quality", says Jim Bailey, TASCAM Product Manager. "A software-based product like the MX-2424 is designed to be able to grow as the needs of the industry change."

    This software is the result of a close collaboration between TASCAM and MX-2424 users worldwide through a voluntary Public Beta release in which a wide variety of real-world uses could be accounted for. A significant amount of input from this process makes this release the closest thing to a "User's Release" yet.

    A 24-track, 24-bit random access recorder/player/editor with a list price of $3,999, the MX-2424 has quickly found its way into a wide array of end-user settings, with customers ranging from home and project studios to commercial music recording facilities to post-production soundstages.

    For additional information or to visit the MX-2424 user's forum on the MX-2424 digital hard-disk audio recorder, visit the new web site dedicated to MX-2424 users (www.mx2424.com) or TASCAM's main web site.

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