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  • Elation Professional Adds High-Output White And Ultraviolet LED Washes To Design LED 36 Series

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    Whether the application calls for warm white light or an ultraviolet glow, Elation Professional's new LED washes can handle the job. The company has added two high-output fixtures to its Design 36 LED family of lighting products - the Design LED 36WA and Design LED 36 UV. A white and ultraviolet wash respectively, the new DMX-compatible units use advanced LED technology to highlight any object, area or event with drama-enhancing washes of light.

    The Design LED 36WA white wash is ideal for video production and other applications where a white light is needed. It includes 30 white LEDs, plus 6 amber-colored LEDs, which can be mixed via DMX to create varying degrees of warm and cool white hues. The more amber added, the warmer the white, giving users the ability to create the exact "shade" of white they desire. As a result, the Design LED 36 WA provides much greater versatility than washes that contain all white LEDs, which can only produce a cool fluorescent-type white.

    "The addition of amber on the Design LED 36WA brings the color up to 3,200K to give it extra warmth," explained Eric Loader, Director of Sales for Elation Professional. "Users can get just the right degree of warmth or coolness by using the built-in LED intensity control to dial up varying amounts of white and amber light."

    Quiet operation and minimal heat production promise to make the Design LED 36WA a hit among video lighting directors and technicians. And since the LEDs are flicker-free, the Design LED 36WA is always camera-ready. Of course the fact that there is no heat generated from LED's toward the camera or performer...it is ideal for small studio or short throw key lighting applications.

    The Design LED 36 UV ultraviolet wash is geared toward entertainment venues that want the blacklight UV look. Featuring 36 powerful ultraviolet LEDs that will make objects glow in the dark, this particular fixture is perfect for bowling centers, laser tag and other establishments that want to create a fun, hip aura. "Glow-in-the-dark lighting plays a big part in today's 'midnight bowling' scene, and the Design LED 36UV fits the application perfectly," Loader said.

    Another feature that makes the Design LED 36UV great for this market is its maintenance-free operation. Bowling center managers and entertainment directors won't have to run around changing fluorescent tubes and spending money, because of the extremely long life of LEDs.

    The LEDs on both the Design LED 36WA and Design LED 36UV are rated at 100,000 hours and will last for years without replacement. Both fixtures also offer the many other advantages of LED lighting. The units emit almost no heat and will not cause fading or discoloration when placed near displays and exhibits. They're also extremely energy-efficient and economical to operate, as they consume very little power compared to traditional wash effects.

    As a result of these benefits, the Design LED 36WA and Design LED 36UV are also great for exhibition and architectural applications. They come loaded with professional features such as Strobing, Dimming (0-100%) and a 30-degree Medium Diffusion Filter for wider spread but can be removed to make a more narrow 20 degree effect which also improves the output by 15%. Both fixtures are fully DMX-compatible, and they can also run to their own internal programs in stand-alone/sound-active mode.

    Each unit carries a suggested retail price of $1,199.95.

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