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  • CEDAR DeClick Announces for SoundScape

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    The DeClick dialog box

    CEDAR Audio Ltd has announced the launch of a new plug-in product, CEDAR DeClick for Soundscape.

    CEDAR DeClick for Soundscape is a plug-in that runs under Soundscape's SSHDR1 Plus and R.Ed Digital Audio Workstations. It has been engineered in order to address the widest possible range of scratch, click and thump removal problems, and combines two radically different de-clickers into a single package:


    • Auto declick has been designed to restore the most damaged of material. You will be able to restore all the clicks using the 'auto declick' process. This automatically detects each click, removes it, and the fills the gap with the best estimate of the material that existed (or would have existed).


    • Manual declick has been designed remove clicks that auto declick can not process adequately. It does this by allowing you to specify the audio that constitutes the click. And, since auto declick is more likely to fail when the clicks are longer, the manual declick interpolator is optimised for longer clicks and scratches.


    As with all CEDAR processes, these algorithms clearly differentiate between the degradation and the genuine signal, allowing transparent restoration of severely damaged material. Undamaged signal passes without any changes: there's no distortion, no loss of transients, and no loss of ambience.

    Gordon Reid, Managing Director, of CEDAR said " We were delighted to work with Soundscape. As with all CEDAR processes, declick for Soundscape is extremely quick and simple to use. It has intuitive and clear controls, and requires no time wasting pre-processing." Soundscapes Commercial Director Nick Owen states " Soundscape have always worked extremely hard to provide state of the art applications for our customers, this partnership with CEDAR reinforces our commitment to provide the highest quality effects Plug Ins from the worlds top companies.

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