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  • Audity 2000 Version 2.0 Software Announced

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    EMU-ENSONIQ announces the debut of Version 2.0 software for the Audity 2000 synthesizer. This software release doubles the polyphony of the Audity 2000 from 32 voices to 64 voices and adds the ability to download new features and presets over the Internet. Equally important, EMU-ENSONIQ is making this upgrade available free to anyone who purchases an Audity 2000 before October 31st, 1998. Audity Version 2.0 software will ship this fall at an expected retail price of $199.

    Twice the polyphony

    The new software doubles the polyphony of the Audity 2000 synth from 32 voices with 12-pole filters to 64 voices with 6-pole filters. New technology allows Audity to dynamically switch between 6 and 12-pole filters based on voice count. "The 64-voice polyphony is unheard of in a synth that has the sync and filter features of a product like Audity," comments Sean Wilhelmsen, Audity Product Marketing Manager. "Now, sequences and Arpeggiator patterns can be twice as dense, twice as lush, twice as intense."

    Downloadable software over the Internet

    In keeping with the company's policy of increasing the value of an investment in branded products, Audity version 2.0 software will allow the user to download new features and presets from the Internet and use the MIDI port to upload these updates to the unit.

    "Our belief is that software updates improve our customer's satisfaction with our products. We are expanding our use of the Internet and making our website a more useful and interesting place to visit by allowing customers to download not only presets, but new operating system features for Audity," states Dave Bristow, Vice-President of Marketing. He continues, "This is a radical new approach to keeping customers current with the innovations our Engineering department develops and we believe this will become a major trend in our industry."

    Software update will be free for purchases before October 31st, 1998

    As a goodwill gesture to those who have already purchased an Audity synthesizer, and as a special incentive to purchase the product over the next few months, EMU-ENSONIQ is offering this upgrade free of charge if you purchase an Audity 2000 between April 15th and October 31st, 1998. "We strongly believe in protecting and increasing the value of our customer's investment. This is a way we can both reward early-adopters, motivate new customers, and make sure their experience with EMU-ENSONIQ is positive," says Bristow. Current owners of Audity will receive their updates through the mail when it is available early in the fall. To qualify, users need only return their warranty card with proof of purchase to: EMU-ENSONIQ, Attention: Audity V2 Promo, 1600 Green Hills Road, Suite 101, Scotts Valley, CA 95067.

    After October 31st, version 2.0 software will be offered as an upgrade to Audity purchasers at a suggested retail price of $199 and will be available through EMU-ENSONIQ dealers and distributors worldwide (part number 9096).

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