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  • Recording School Online Releases "Mixing it Fat and Punchy".

    By Guest |

    If you are mixing Rock, Hiphop, Funk, Rap, or any kind of dance music, this is the video collection for you. These videos focus on both the tools and techniques necessary to make your mixes punch. Each topic is explained step by step in a way that will help you understand the technique's quickly and easily. In this three video set, the RSO expert engineer focuses on topics including: 1. Shaping dynamics and tonalities

    2. Adding sub-frequencies

    3. Matching bass guitar and drums

    3. Working with limitations

    4. Loops and samples

    5. Compressor technique's for punch

    6. Tonal contrast

    7. Equalizer techniques for a Phat mix

    8. Impulse Responses

    9. The freeze function

    10. Stereo field tricks

    11. Shift pitch for fatness

    12. Transients

    13. Harmonics

    14. Making it phat and funky

    Available now for download

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