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  • Recording School Online Music Mixing Intensive Starts November 25

    By Guest |

    Recording School Online is offering the Music Mixing Intensive. This workshop is designed for individuals who have experience recording but desire to sharpen both their music mixing and audio production skills.

    This 6 week workshop starts on Saturday, November 25th but students may start any day during that week. The workshop will focus on all aspects of the audio mixing process including:








    and more.

    As part of the workshop streaming videos on the subjects of mixing, digital effects, compression and more will also be available for viewing. One of the main features of the music mixing workshop is direct feedback on your mixes and individual support based for the work you are doing. Each student will be given detailed expert help and direction based uniquely on his or her mixes.

    Because this workshop will take place online, each individual can access the helpful guides and teacher support 24/7. Each participant will also have the luxury of working at a pace that suits them.

    The Music Mixing Intensive starts Saturday, November 25.

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