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  • Recording Review Releases Free "Home Recording Soundcard Wizard"

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    Recording Review has just released the Home Recording Soundcard Wizard. The new and completely free tool helps musicians and home recording engineers choose the best soundcard for their needs with beginner or advanced wizard options available. The Home Recording Soundcard Wizard converts a potentially ten-hour project into a ten-minute process by evaluating each user's needs and presenting all available soundcard models that will fulfill them, in addition to specs, prices, and other data to help users compare models.

    The free tool offers two options; one for beginners, such as new songwriters, and one for advanced users, such as recording engineers. Advanced users can simply input their needs or requirements into a one page query form, and they are presented with a list of soundcards that will fit their needs. Beginners can utilize a more comprehensive wizard tool, which describes each potential need (such as how to know how many built in preamp channels they need) in detail, to help beginners decide on their ideal soundcard requirements.

    After inputting requirements, site users are presented with a comprehensive report on soundcard models that meet all of their needs, including the brand, model number, price, specs, and a link where the user can find additional information to compare various soundcard models for their recording needs.

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