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  • Recording, Engineering Distance Learning Classes

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    Audio Masterclass offers distance learning courses in Sound Engineering and Music Recording. The courses are suitable for serious-minded people who wish to prepare themselves to apply for trainee positions in live sound, television, film, post production, theatre, radio and music recording. Students work at home, in close contact with experienced tutors and assessors.

    Both the Certificate in Sound Engineering & Music Recording Theory, and Diploma in Sound Engineering & Music Recording courses allow students to learn the professional application of audio equipment and techniques. The depth and serious nature of the work offers potential employers massive evidence of commitment to audio.

    Both the Certificate and Diploma courses are of 36 weeks duration and may be started at any time, with the exception of August. The two courses are identical, except that the Diploma course also offers practical work using students1 own equipment. Courses are available worldwide.

    Course Director, David Mellor, has been an audio educator since 1986 and is the architect of the UK1s prestigious City & Guilds of London Institute 1820 Sound Engineering qualification, Parts I, II & III. 15 years of experience and close contact with industry has allowed Audio Masterclass to develop courses that for a committed student can be the fast track to a career in Sound Engineering or Music Recording.

    The Audio Masterclass philosophy is, "Basic knowledge, simple tasks to a fully professional standard". The work is demanding, standards are high and assessment is critical just like in the real world of pro audio.

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