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  • PCAudioLabs Offers Dual-Boot Vista Option With All Custom DAW PCs

    By Guest |

    While many software and hardware companies are in the process of releasing Vista compatible versions and drivers, it's still unclear as to when it will be safe to switch OS's permanently. To help make this process safer and easier, PCAudioLabs is now offering Windows XP Dual-Boot systems, using swappable hard drives, with Windows XP Professional 64 and Windows Vista Ultimate 32/64.

    With a Dual-Boot Vista DAW, you'll still have access to the files stored on other hard drives from either version of Windows. Switching from your Windows XP applications to Windows Vista is as simple as removing one drive bay, and inserting the other.

    "Upgrading to a new operating system can be a real headache. All software and drivers must be fully compatible and functional with the new OS before the upgrade makes sense. PCAudioLabs takes the guesswork out of when to make the switch with the Vista Dual Boot option, ensuring that the transition can be made comfortably, on your own time."

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