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  • New Interactive CD-ROM on Home Recording

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    You've just spent a lot of money on a brand new recording setup and you're becoming frustrated because the tracks you've recorded don't sound anything like your favorite CDs. With the release of "The Interactive Guide to Home Recording," Pomona Productions, Inc. wants to give you a helping hand.

    With a combination of informative graphics and CD-quality audio samples, you will be taken step-by-step through the recording process. The focus is on basic engineering principles, which will be invaluable no matter what platform and equipment you choose to record on.

    "When I started out recording on a 4-track, it was impossible to find the information we've presented here, short of interning in a major commercial studio." says Mark Gifford, professional audio engineer and president of Pomona Productions, Inc. He goes on further, "This is the perfect delivery medium for this information; you can't hear a book and videos are too unwieldy. I can't believe no one has thought of this before!"

    "The Interactive Guide to Home Recording" carries a MSRP of $59.95/Street Price $39.95 and is now available at select MI/Pro Sound retailers, both physical and on-line. Windows 98 and up & Power Macintosh compatible.

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