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  • MXL Debuts Desktop Recording Kit

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    Desktop Recording Kit
    (Click for a close-up)

    MXL microphones, a division of Marshall Electronics, has introduced its new Desktop Recording Kit (D.R.K.)--a cardioid condenser microphone, complete with a desktop microphone stand, microphone clip, XLR cable, XLR to Mini-Plug adapter cable, 3.5mm Mini-Plug to 1/4-inch adapter, and power source.

    The MXL Desktop Recording Kit was designed as a complete solution for all home recording applications. The MXL microphone included in the kit is completely self-powered--eliminating the need for costly preamplifiers or external power supplies--though it works seamlessly with external microphone preamps should one be available. This feature alone makes the D.R.K the perfect compliment for those using a laptop computer as their recording platform. It keeps matters simple and makes transporting one's "studio" a breeze. With MXL's Desktop Recording Kit, the audio remains entirely within the audio spectrum, unlike USB-based microphones that require conversion of the audio signal.

    The MXL Desktop Recording Kit includes all the necessary accessories to ensure seamless integration into a wide assortment of recording environments. With its XLR cable, the D.R.K. microphone will connect to professional microphone preamplifiers, mixing consoles, or computer audio interfaces. The included XLR to Mini-Plug adapter cable enables easy connection to computer sound cards or other consumer audio equipment that utilize 3.5mm Mini-Plugs. And with the included 3.5mm Mini-Plug to 1/4 inch adapter, the DRK microphone will interface perfectly with self-contained recording studios that commonly use the 1/4 inch phone plug standard. Combined with a sturdy, compact desktop microphone stand and clip, plus MXL's new microphone applications guide, the MXL Desktop Recording Kit is "the right tool for the job" when it comes to home recording.

    With a street selling price of $99.95, the MXL Desktop Recording Kit can be found online, and at fine independent music retail establishments.

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