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  • Museum Of Making Music Hosts "Recording The Beatles" Discussion

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    On Saturday, November 17 at 6 PM, the Museum of Making Music hosts an intimate conversation with Kevin Ryan and Brian Kehew about their journey of discovery as they pieced together and authored "Recording the Beatles," a thorough and definitive guide that explores how the Beatles' albums were recorded.

    The book is a culmination of years of research and extensive interviews with the Beatles' former engineers and technicians and sheds new light on classic sessions. It examines every piece of studio equipment used, fully explains the effects and recording processes, and presents the reader with an inside look at how specific songs were recorded.

    During the event, Kevin and Brian will discuss how they came to write the book, how they found the information and people, and some of their key findings (out of the hundreds published in their tome) that seem unusual today or to modern methods of recording music. Some of those surprises have to do with the Beatles themselves.

    In addition to these insights, the authors will show a multimedia presentation of photos and sounds, helping to demonstrate the equipment the Beatles used and the sounds that resulted. This is, by far, the most exciting aspect as it provides audiences with a sneak peek into one element that the book can't do: play music! The authors will then finish with a question and answer session for the audience.

    This event is free, though a $5 donation is greatly appreciated.

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