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  • Learn Recording with New Online Courses

    By Guest |

    Recording School Online just added a library of recording related instructional videos. These videos cover all aspects of digital recording step by step and are DVD quality. Video instruction includes microphone techniques,recording drums, bass, guitar, acoustic instruments as well as detailed descriptions of how to program reverbs, delays, chorus, flange, and equalization.

    Each video includes audio and video descriptions with step by step detail. These videos are designed to make the complex art of recording a breeze for students of all levels. These videos are in addition to RSO's already massive library of written "how- to" guides on recording. These instructional videos are available to all students 24/7.

    Access to the site is done by semester. Currently Recording School Online is offering a $100 discount. This enables students to sign up for the 4 month semester(beginner - intermediate) for $295. RSO requires students have at least a basic way to record tracks in order to get the most out of their classes.

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