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  • Editors Keys Speed Up DAW Work

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    Keyboard with Editors Keys for Cubase Installed
    (Click for a close-up)

    Editors Keys is a new company that specializes in keyboard sticker sets for audio and video software. The key sets transform a standard keyboard into a fully functional audio editing shortcut keyboard. Users stick the PVC keys onto their own keyboard, using the applicator included with the sets.

    The Pro Tools keyboard set was the first of the audio sets to be launched this month, followed shortly with Cubase, Sonar and Reason with Logic Pro coming soon. Editors Keys have also ensured that the sticker sets will work with both old and new versions of each program.

    Editors Keys have ditched the standard solid black icons which other companies use, in favour of high detail, color icons for ease of use. The keys are cut from a polyester PVC spec sheets, which not only improves the hold quality, but also makes the keys both splash proof and fade resistant according to the company.

    Recent studies have shown that people who use shortcut keys can actually speed up their production time by up to 40%. Marc Peters of Digital Director said, "Editors Keys is an ideal solution to shortcuts. I warmed to the idea of using my favored and ergonomic keyboard rather than a limited choice of expensive specialist keyboards"

    Editors Keys cost £10.99 for a full set. Although readers of Harmony Central can receive the Sets at a price of £8.25 by visiting our saver page at: www.editorskeys.com/saver

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