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  • ESI Announces New Line of Multi-Channel USB to MIDI Interfaces

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    ESI debuted two new additions to their line of MIDI devices. First up is the M4U ($149.99 US), a 4-In/4-Out USB to MIDI interface housed in a half-rack sized box that can handle up to 64 MIDI channels.

    The perfect companion to the WaMi Rack 192, the M8U ($349.99 US) is a USB to MIDI interface that is built into a full single rack space unit. It has 8 inputs and 8 outputs and is designed to accommodate 128 MIDI channels. The M8U also acts as a stand-alone MIDI patchbay when not connected to a computer.

    Both units feature individual MIDI activity lights for each port on their front panels and have a switchable MIDI thru function mode. The M4U and the M8U are Mac OS X and Windows XIP compatible.

    The M4U and M8U are scheduled to start shipping in November of 2002.

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