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  • S20 Dual Microphone Preamp from Trident

    By Guest |

    (Click for a close-up)

    From the design house of John Oram, Trident Audio introduces the S20 dual mic pre at the Musik Messe in Frankfurt.

    The new Trident S20 delivers analog tone, pure and simple. The input selector switches between the mic and line or two microphones, a great feature for comparing which mic is really best for a particular project. The S20 provides +48 volt phantom power supply for condenser microphones and allows the user to reverse the phase of the input signal by one switch per channel.

    After the pre, the variable sweep low-cut controls those lows that can muddy a mic so easily. From 5Hz to 200Hz, it removes stage or floor rumble, takes out sub-sonic interference and actually improves the H.F. performance of the signal by the elimination of L.F. intermodulation distortions.

    The S20 Dual Mic Pre retails at $1995 and is available now.

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