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  • SAE Lecturer Publishes Mixing Audio: The Ultimate Audio Mixing Bible For Beginners And Pros Alike

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    Mixing Audio: Concepts, Practices and Tools contains a comprehensive guide to tackling this crucial and much misunderstood subject. Over the course of 584 pages, Roey Izhaki, an experienced mixing professional and lecturer at London's SAE Institute, guides the reader on a logical journey that begins with the very basics of mixing right up to the tricks, tips and techniques used by mix professionals in a wide variety of mixing situations. The subjects contained within are exhaustively committed to the page and illustrated with almost 300 diagrams to better aid understanding.

    The accompanying DVD contains over 2,000 audio examples, including four full audio mixes that are discussed and dissected at length within the book. These mixes cover a range of contemporary genres (Rock, Hip Hop, Techno, Drum & Bass) and offer a wealth of real-world experience &mdash and not just on the principles of mixing, but also the practices, concepts and tools that are necessary for achieving success with your mixes.

    Price: EUR 41.95; US 49.95

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