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  • UVI.net Introduces UVI Electric Piano for Mac

    By Guest |

    UVI Electric Piano is the easiest way to turn your Mac into a soullful electric

    piano : simply plug a MIDI keyboard in your computer and you're ready to play one of

    the best electric keyboard ever made: a wonderful Rhodes™ electric piano

    manufactured in 1979.


    UVI Instruments are well known and have been deeply used by professional musicians

    and producers for more than a decade thanks to some unique software like MOTU

    MachFive™, Ethno™ and BPM™, Spectrasonics Stylus™ and Atmosphere™, UVI

    Workstation™...  to name a few.


    UVI Electric  Piano features the best of the UVI technology and the most efficient

    user interface to play an instrument: launch it and play !


    UVI Electric Piano features :



    - Super easy to use and great sounding instrument


    - Featuring a classic Rhodes™ manufactured in 1979


    - Recorded in a world class studio with the best gear


    - Deeply multi-sampled (sustain, release, pedal noise...)


    - Expertly edited and scripted using the latest UVI Engine


    - Low Memory usage thanks to lossless realtime decoding


    - Custom velocity curves to fit your playing style


    - Onboard great sounding FX : Speaker Cabinet, Drive, Tremolo, Autopan, Chorus &



    - Superb integrated old school "Spring" reverb


    - Easy to record in Garage Band, Logic and others audio software


    - CPU efficient


    - Ultra low latency


    - Compatible with built-in or third party sound cards.


    - Compatible with all USB/MIDI keyboards and controllers



    Available now at the Apple App Store for a special introductory price of  $29.99 / €



    More info : www.uvi.net





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