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  • Foldup Keyboard Takes Portability To New Levels

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    If you could fold up a piano or keyboard as elegantly as a laptop computer, wouldn't it be a lot easier for professional musicians, laptop recording enthusiasts, and students to store and travel with their instruments? If a folding musical keyboard had the same features as current market offerings, wouldn't this revolutionize portable recording, practice and performance? Wouldn't it be great if "portable keyboards" were truly portable?

    Musician and inventor David Bubar has received US Patent No. 6,875,913 for his "Collapsible Musical Keyboard" which seeks to create a better way to for musicians to store and travel with their keyboard instruments. Increasingly relevant in today's marketplace, The Foldup Keyboard™ will allow the millions of musicians using GarageBand, Reason, ProTools, and other popular recording and sequencing products, the ability to use a musical interface that not only has the comparable features of current products; but users will also have the indispensable use of a cleanly and elegantly folding keyboard for travel and storage.

    "Music is so important; it needs to be accessible to the masses. This is why I have created The Foldup Keyboard. I believe the instrument now has an unprecedented new dimension of transport and portability. You can take your keyboard and music with you wherever you go!" says inventor David Bubar.

    Mr. Bubar, together with company associate Michael Leczinsky, are in the process of exploring potential manufacturing and licensing options. The company looks to bring the product to market in 2006.

    "Not only does The Foldup Keyboard have amazing potential as a standalone instrument; technology has made it possible to have a professional level recording studio on your laptop and users need an interface that will transport with the same degree of ease and function as the laptop computer," notes Leczinsky.

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