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  • Korg Wavedrum: The Perfect Addition to Any Personal or Commercial Recording Studio

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    — Versatile, space-saving percussion instrument offers a variety of sounds  —


    MELVILLE, NY, August 15, 2011 — An all-in-one compact, portable electronic instrument, Korg’s Wavedrum Dynamic Percussion Synthesizer offers a unique palette of percussive and pitched sounds that can make it an essential tool at any music production facility. With a design that’s well-suited for use in a professional recording studio’s drum booth or control room, as well as a home studio, the Wavedrum is playable by itself or as part of a larger drum kit or percussion setup. The award-winning second-generation Wavedrum incorporates everything from traditional pop and rock drum sounds through ethnic hand and tuned percussion, as well as exotic stringed instruments, to otherworldly textures and effects, putting endless creative possibilities at the fingertips of artists, producers or engineers. The Wavedrum is also particularly useful for jingle houses and sound effects designers looking to embellish their tracks with additional sounds or effects. Also, a stereo line out dramatically cuts down on setup time, and eliminates the need for a microphone, allowing the Wavedrum to interface directly with the recording console.

    The Wavedrum, with its innovative design, organic interface and sonically rich, innovative sounds (100 user/100 preset), plus 100 loop phrases and recording features, is a powerful tool that can replace a roomful of instruments, and is thus ideal in facilities with limited space. Weighing less than five pounds and sporting a compact size, Wavedrum can be quickly set up in any control room or tracking area, making it a practical and space-saving addition to any personal or commercial music production studio. Users can hold Wavedrum on their lap, play it like a hand drum while standing, place it on an ordinary snare drum stand, or add it to any electronic or acoustic drum kit.

    Unlike most digital trigger-based systems, the Wavedrum uses a real drumhead as the playing surface. An audio transducer beneath the drumhead is responsive to performers playing with sticks, brushes and/or mallets, as well as traditional finger and hand drum techniques, including mute, slap and bend. A separate transducer under the rim further extends performance possibilities. Two different-sized raised patterns on the rim, similar o an Afro-Cuban guiro, facilitate additional percussive and pitched effects. Built-in Reverb and Delay effects add further depth and character.

    The Wavedrum is available in silver or a limited edition black color (solid black metallic rim and an exclusive BLACK SUEDE™ Remo drumhead).

    Korg is also now shipping the new Wavedrum Oriental Dynamic Percussion Synthesizer**, a limited edition version designed specifically for Middle Eastern music,with an enhanced sample set that also includes Darabuka, Drinkga, Sagat, Riq, Def, Tar, Bendir and many other instruments from the region. Wavedrum Oriental’s capabilities have also been increased to offer a total of 45 DSP algorithms, 300 PCM instruments (150 head, 150 rim), and storage of 150 editable preset programs plus 150 user-customized programs.

    Legendary drummer Peter Erskine comments on the versatility of the instrument: “The Korg Wavedrum plays like an acoustic instrument, but provides a state-of-the-art sampler’s worth of sound. It’s the perfect marriage of age-old drumming and modern technology.”

    Please visit www.korg.com/wavedrum for more product info or to view more artist quotes.

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