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  • Get in the Groove with Drumz Phatta Than Momma

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    Following the release of the MPCsounds library of RnB Hip Hop drum sounds, these samples have now been compiled into a CD-ROM for use in the Akai MPC2000 and MPC2000XL samplers. The "Drumz Phatta Than Momma" CD-ROM contains 1,080 kicks, 900 snares and rimshots, plus 900 hi-hats and percussion sounds, all in today's hip-hop style.

    Far from being simply straight samples, these radio-ready sounds have been tweaked, hyped, and mastered, then programmed extensively on the MPC itself. Unlike many commercially available MPC sample disks, every pad in all four banks is programmed with a different drum sound, resulting in 64 different sounds per drum kit.

    The MPCsounds library was created as a joint venture between MPCsounds.com and Syntaur Productions, and was produced by Kyle Kee (aka "KeeMaster") of MPCsounds. Kee has credits as an engineer/producer with Jive, Sony, Motown, Universal, Interscope, and Cash Money Records, MTV, and many others.

    The "Drums Phatta Than Momma" CD-ROM sells for $249.95, and is available from Syntaur Productions, the exclusive distributor for MPCsounds. More information and audio demos are available online.

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