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  • Get a GRIP on Big Bass Sounds

    By Guest |

    At the Summer NAMM show in Nashville, Alesis announced the GRIP, a 1U rackmount digital signal processor with a single goal: to enhance and/or increase the low frequencies of any stereo audio signal thanks to its proprietary digital sub-harmonic synthesis algorithm.

    GRIP's unique signal processing encompasses two basic functions: 1) It gives the user several means of quickly adjusting the character and level of the low frequencies and, 2) It provides a proprietary Sub-Harmonic synthesizer which creates sub-bass signals that are harmonically related to, but not present in, the original sound. In short, The Grip improves the bass that is there, and creates sub-bass where there is none.

    GRIP's simple user interface employs a one-control-per-function design, with three 16-element LED meters to provide fast user feedback. Balanced stereo 1/4" inputs and outputs are provided in a standard 1U rackmount design.

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