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Taylor 712ce as an all-around guitar?


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I'm looking for a smaller body guitar that is good for strumming and fingerpicking. I had been looking at the GS8 for a while and then stumbled across the 712ce a short scale Grand Concert spruce/rosewood mix.


I've read the Taylor's description which says it would be good for recording and for stage. That is was re-voiced in 2004 to have more bass and more volume.


I'm probably about 70/30 on the strumming vs fingerpicking. I play mostly by myself, though have found others to play with recently so will likely do more playing with other people.


I'm short (5'2") with very short pinkies and I thought the smaller body and short scale would be a great combination for me, but I didn't want to sacrifice too much on the sound to get it.


I don't live close to any place that carried the x12ce body styles so I was hoping someone could share their thoughts on the 712ce.

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From everything i read you are right on. The spruce/rosewood combo is probably a little better for strumming then finger picking. However, the x12 body style is a little more suited for finger picking. However, I have heard from several people that the re-voiced after 2004 really helps the x12 as as strummer. Given you height, and other concerns you might be on to the right guitar. However, I believe the 712 is Engelmann Spruce as opposed to Sitka Spruce in the 812ce. Given that they are roughly the same price you might find the 812ce better for strumming, the Silka should hold up a little better depending on how aggressive you play. Hope that helps.

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