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  • TC-Helicon Introduces VoiceTone Create XT

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    VoiceTone Create XT is the complete 'Hit Producer in a Pedal'. The original VoiceTone Create is already used by tens of thousands of singers, giving vocalists the world over all of the tools they need to quickly and easily turn in superbly produced vocal performances. Now VoiceTone Create XT makes it even easier to get those 'ear candy?' vocal effects that professional producers call on every day to create hit tracks. VoiceTone Create XT improves on the original Create by incorporating HardTune (similar to effects by artists such as T-Pain and Kanye West), the rich, front-of-house quality reverb from its famous big brother, VoiceLive 2, and even more control, including a pedal input that accepts TC-Helicon's 3-button footswitch. And VoiceTone Create XT is even easier to use, featuring individual on/off buttons for the effects blocks, new Tweak controls for quick adjustment, an input for an optional Switch3 footswitch controller that provides stompbox on/offs for FX, µMod, and Delay. The addition of USB and an updated version of the VoiceSupport application provide preset management and access to updates, tips and tricks. Original Create users always asked for the same things – more and better effects, easier tweaking and editing and a better indication of what's switched on in the current preset. Create XT's new user interface and algorithms deliver on all the requests. VoiceTone Create XT has raised the bar for superb vocal production to even greater heights with the addition of more features than it should be possible to fit into a pedal of this size! More from: http://www.tc-helicon.com/voicetone-create-xt

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