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  • Korg Debuts Micrometro as Part of Expansive Tuner/Metronome Family

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    Korg has added the Micrometro to its expansive tuner and metronome lineup. Designed for personal use, the Micrometro features clip-on styling, an LCD window and an unobtrusive design. The clip-on Micrometro is the ultimate go-anywhere metronome, allowing users to improve their timing skills every time they play or practice. Using 39 traditional pendulum settings, the tempo can be set from 40-208 beats per minute (BPM). Seven time signatures are provided, as well as duplet, triplet and quadruplet patterns. The volume can be set to loud or soft, or muted entirely, using only the flashing LED as a visual tempo indicator. The Micrometro is available in Red or Blue. In 1975, Korg introduced the world's first hand-held electronic tuner, the WT-10. Now, 35 years later and with over 20 million tuners sold, Korg remains a leader and innovator in tuner and metronome technology.

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