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  • Guitar Tech Picks

    By Guest |

    Guitar Tech has broadened its range with a new selection of picks for guitarists of all persuasions.


    This new GT selection has something for everyone, whether you really like to dig into your strings for your down-tuned riffs, or if you pick your country tunes hybrid style.


    The new standard Guitar Tech picks are available in different thicknesses and designs, and come in practical packs of six (each costing £1.99 UK RRP). Players can choose from .71, .96 and 1.2mm gauges, and tortoiseshell, black, mixed pearl and confetti colour schemes.


    For acoustic players and country and fingerpicking fans, Guitar Tech have also brought out a nice little selection of thumb and fingerpicks. Choose from a pack of six GT thumb picks (with a medium loop, 1.5mm gauge, £5.99 UK RRP) in mixed pearl colours, or a thumb/finger pick set (again containing six picks, medium loop and 1.5mm gauge, £4.49 UK RRP) in tortoiseshell.


    All are comfy, durable, and perfect for players of all levels, so make sure you check them out the next time you visit your local store.


    The vast Guitar Tech range – which also includes capos, pitch pipes, pegwinders, transducers, machineheads, control knobs, switches, scratchplates, bridges, pickups, vibratos, straplocks, repair kits, guitar FX pedals, and a whole lot more – is distributed worldwide by John Hornby Skewes & Co. Ltd.


    For more information, visit the JHS website.  www.jhs.co.uk/guitartech.html

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