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  • Grooveboxmusic.com Releases Logic EXS24 Power Pak

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    Grooveboxmusic.com, makers of the leading "Brainwerks" pro audio video tutorials is pleased to announce a new line of video training products called Power PAKs (Precise Accelerated Knowledge). This exciting collection of training tutorials is tightly focused on a DAW's specific feature set such as a plug-in or virtual instrument, specific task or assorted powerful tip and tricks. Power PAKs are in-depth, fun to watch and value priced. The newest Power PAK being offered is "The EXS24 In Action". Presented by Apple Logic guru Eli Krantzberg, this series will turn you into an "Extreme" power user of Logic's awesome ESX24 Sampler. There's nothing you can't do with the EXS24 after watching this collection.

    With over 3.5 hours of content, you're sure to find the answers to your EXS24 questions and learn about cool features and functions as well as get exciting tips and tricks. You can view all the video tutorials in the "EXS24 In Action" Power PAK online for 30 days for only $14.99 or download and own the full Power PAK for only $29.99. The boxed disc version will ship in 2-3 weeks for $29.99 plus shipping, but you can order it today and get the instant digital download included for free so you can start learning right away.

    Power Pak includes 20 Tutorials and has a total runtime of 3.5 hours.

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