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  • Euphonic Audio Introduces the iAmp 200 Wizzy Combo

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    Euphonic Audio, maker of bass amplifiers and cabinets, introduced the new iAmp 200 Wizzy Combo at the Summer NAMM show. The Wizzy Combo features a clever 12" speaker cone design and a new digital amplifier to produce a loud, lightweight and full range combo that is expandable.

    The Wizzy Combo features a 200 watt, Class D power amp and EA's tone shaping section. The 12" driver with an integrated Whizzer cone is mounted in EA's Transmission Line cabinet. The digital amplifier circuitry effortlessly produces 200 watts of Class D power without the noise or inconvenience of a cooling fan. The 12" loudspeaker is actually a dual-cone device. The 12" driver and Whizzer cone simultaneously produce both low and high frequency signals from a single voice coil. The design of the loudspeaker and transmission line provide a smoother and more extended low frequency output while reproducing the brilliance of the digital power amp. An integrated Sabine tuner is included. In addition, there is a rear mounted LINK OUT connector, which provides a signal to drive a matching powered extension speaker.

    The Wizzy combo is intended for upright, electric upright, and bass guitar players in small and medium size venues in a package easily carried with one hand. Adding Wizzy Powered Extension Speakers (WZ-112P) will provide enough power for larger gigs.

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