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  • Celemony to Team with Ueberschall to Create Virtual Instruments

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    At the Winter NAMM Show, Celemony Software and the German sample specialist Ueberschall announced a new collaboration. The primary objectives of the joint venture are the development of sample-based VST instruments employing the Melodyne engine and the creation of a high-quality sample library for Melodyne users.

    The first fruits of the synergy are expected to be seen at the Frankfurt Musikmesse: a new type of VST instrument, the samples of which Melodyne will also be capable of importing.

    Commented Ueberschall CEO Uwe Kinast: "The Melodyne engine makes it possible to handle sampled phrases and loops in a totally new manner and brings about an enormous increase in the possibilities of a sample VST instrument: with this technology, licks even within a sample can be adapted in pitch, tempo and timing to your own songs, enabling the same sample to be used in a hundred different forms. We are very excited about our first joint product and look forward to continuing our creative collaboration with Celemony."

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