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  • Bose Corporation Announces New ToneMatch Presets And Portable Line Array Systems

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    Bose Corporation has introduced a new series of ToneMatch presets customized for specific instruments and microphones. Designed for use with the Bose® T1 ToneMatch™ audio engine and L1™ portable line array systems, these presets help musicians preserve the unique characteristics of their instruments while delivering exceptional amplified tone.

    Bose engineers worked in close collaboration with manufacturers to develop the new ToneMatch presets. Custom-designed presets are now available for over 100 instruments, pickups and microphones.

    Bose also released new L1™ updater software. This allows musicians to load ToneMatch presets onto a T1 audio engine using a personal computer and provides added functionality for backing up T1 data and sharing user-friendly scenes with other musicians.

    The ToneMatch presets and L1 updater software are available online.

    Bose L1™ Portable Line Array Systems

    The L1TM Model II system and T1 ToneMatch™ audio engine are the latest products in the Bose line for musicians. Designed for small- to medium-sized venues, L1 portable line array systems make it easy for musicians to achieve the desired amplified tone from any voice or instrument. They deliver wide, uniform sound coverage across the stage and into the audience. This allows performers and listeners to hear full, detailed, tonally balanced sound—whether they are in front of the speaker or off to the side. They also eliminate the need for PA speakers, monitors and mixing consoles, so they take only a few minutes to set up and require minimal cargo space.

    The T1 ToneMatch audio engine is a multi-channel audio device available with the L1 Model II system. It gives musicians access to new tone-shaping technologies, providing a complete suite of studio-class effects and processing, as well as additional channels for instruments or microphones. These presets are designed to bring musicians closer to the true sound of their voice or instrument at the touch of a button.

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