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  • Acoustic Treatment Made Easy with StudioPanel Kits

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    MSR, Inc. introduced a new way to solve acoustical management problems in personal studio/media production spaces. StudioPanel is a system of engineered acoustical panels for small to mid-sized rooms. It is configured and calculated to provide the correct amount of sound absorption and diffusion necessary for any monitoring system to work successfully over the full range of audible frequencies in small to mid-sized rooms. Utilizing materials selected by leading studio designers and acousticians such as fiberglass/mineral wool composites (not merely the cut foams used in many acoustical treatment products ), StudioPanel for a wide variety of acoustical problems typically encountered in personal recording studios as well as high-end home theater listening rooms.

    StudioPanel kits consist of scientifically designed "building block components" -- including wedge-shaped absorber/diffuser pairs, slotted bass absorbers (called Bazorber), Pistonic bass traps (called SpringTrap), and ceiling absorbers (called CloudPanel). Each kit is configured to provide optimal acoustical characteristics for a given room size ( three "scaled" kits are available for treating a wide range of room sizes typically encountered in personal media production spaces ). Once installed, StudioPanel offers clear articulation, focused and deep imaging, precise localization, and astounding audio envelopment -- in both stereo and surround sound environments -- all without fussing over placement adjustments and confusing acoustic calculations, according to the company.

    Selecting which of the three (3) pre-engineered kits best suits the user is easy: just plug the room dimensions into the StudioPanel square footage selection chart. Several enhancement options are also available and clearly outlined in the documentation and ordering instructions.

    After ordering the StudioPanel kit, the buyer takes home a Do-It-Yourself Kit containing everything necessary to prepare the space for the installation of the StudioPanel components. Included in the small box are a simple, step-by-step instruction manual, a string line bubble level, an installation template and a 50-chapter Test and Set-up CD/CD-ROM . All StudioPanel components are shipped directly to the buyer.

    The StudioPanel systems install by following simple steps in the instruction manual. The included measurement tools and an actual size template covering each acoustic component make the hardware placement "foolproof." Final mounting of the wall panels is made effortless by a unique clip system.

    All acoustic components are fully wrapped in acoustically transparent, attractive FR701 Guilford fabrics, available in an array of six (6) standard colors. The fabric color is user-selected from swatch samples at the time of order. Kits are also available in 42 additional custom colors (at additional cost).

    Prices for StudioPanel Kits are as follows:


    • Kit #SP442 (Rooms 150 - 175 sq. ft.) MSRP: $2,649
    • Kit #SP552 (Rooms 175 - 250 sq. ft.) MSRP: $3,139
    • Kit #SP664 (Rooms 250 - 350 sq. ft.) MSRP: $4,309


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