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Fishman LoudBox Artist Amp Problems


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Hello All,

 I'm a little bummed after getting a new LoudBox Artist Amp from Sweetwater. The D.I. Mix Output is non-functioning. Also the Channel 2 D.I is not working. However, the Channel 1 D.I. is working, so I know the cables and connections are good. I'm trying to use a second "slave" amp running from the LoudBox. Am I missing something here? I'm still waiting to hear back from Sweetwater and Fishman.

I was hoping to use this amp with my Cello, but honestly, I'm not happy with it. The overall sound is boxy and stale to my ears. I'm using a Realist Pick-Up and a Bartlett Cello Mic. It's a shame because I really like the features on the Fishman. Two independent channels, light weight, phantom power. But the sound is not what I was hoping for. Currently I'm using a Roland KC-550 Keyboard Amp, which does sound better than the Loudbox. But the Roland Amp is HEAVY and does not have phantom power.

Can anyone suggest a good portable amp for acoustic cello? I'm looking at the AER 60, but it does cost a lot.

Thanks, John Stuart

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I hate it when stuff doesn't work.


The Realist is by and far the best "acoustic string instrument" pickup system I've seen/heard, but it still doesn't beat a good mic in front of the cello going through the PA.


One other option might be a small PA system specifically for you, so you can have the option of having phantom power for your mic and not have to worry about a sound guy. Fender made a suitcase sized PA in a box a number of years ago that worked really well and was easy as anything to haul around. The singer in the band I played in in high school had one. It was pretty awesome, actually.


The other option would be to just make sure that the sound guy at the venue you're at has plenty of time to adjust you, the Realist, and your Bartlett together through the house PA. I have to be honest, I usually recommend the exact amp you're using to cellists and violinists in need of an amp.


I'm a luthier (violin family instruments) by trade...what kind of cello are you using, just out of curiosity?


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Hello VTEC Dreams,

 Thanks for the reply! My cello is an Anton Schroetter. German made. Not really sure when it was built, probably in the 1960's. I've had this cello for 20 years now, and one of the reasons I got it was that it was LOUD. But Ive noticed that over the years, the volume has decreased. This has become a problem with certain musical works where volume is required, for example the Brahms Cello Sonatas. The piano is just so loud that it buries the cello in the forte sections. So the amp is an attempt to "level the playing field" somewhat.

To be fair to the Fishman Artist Amp, I have not played it in a hall yet. So maybe the sonic qualities will open-up in a larger space. I have experimented with using a Bartlett cello mic in combination with the Realist piezo pick-up. The blend is about 60% mic and 40% pick-up. I agree that the mic sounds the most natural, but it the feed-back is a problem at higher volumes.

What I really want is a wireless mic and internal pick-up hidden on the cello. Then discreetly place the amps to the sides of the hall. Let them think I have a huge natural sound! lol

Question: Could you fit the Realist pick-up under the top plate? Maybe between the bass-bar and the plate?

Thanks, John Stuart 

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