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[Beginner] What does my voice sound like to you?


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So it's a strange question, but I was hoping some of you might be willing to listen to a (terrible) recording of me singing.


(Going Under by The McClymonts)


I'd like to know if (to you) I sound "Manly", Hoarse, Nasal, Feminine, Husky etc.


I'm not asking from a technical perspective as I've only just had my second professional lesson and I'm aware that I'm not sounding very good right and have a lot of work ahead of me in terms of hitting notes/pitching and breathing etc


I'm more trying to gauge how others feel I sound to them personally as I typically don't like the way I sound, especially when listening to a recorded version of myself and my vocal coach didn't really give me a definitive answer.


What would be EXTREMELY helpful to me, is if you could think of a singer who I could potentially sound like once I am a lot more experienced- I know it seems like a really silly question and will probably be irrelevant, but it would help a lot with my confidence issues!


You know how some singers have extremely petite and feminine voices, where as other female singers could be quite deep and low (like Lorde), some a little husky (like Pink) and others high and nasal (Rhianna) etc -- I'm trying to figure out who in the singing world I'm the closest comparison to.


Thanks a bunch for reading/listening icon_e_smile.gif



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You sound "girly" to me, feminine. Not hoarse, not husky, not manly. Girly. I can't really think of who you sound like to me. I just don't think you should let it bother you that your voice doesn't sound good to you. Most people have an aversion to the sound of their own voice. The best thing for that is to record yourself a lot, and get more used to it, and also along the way, listen for things in your voice that maybe you can change if you don't like them. You can then make minor corrections and eventually bend your voice in a direction that you like a little better.


Once you get the pitchy things worked out and maybe some tonal things from your lessons, you should be on your way.


Good luck!



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Hey there Bob,


Thanks for taking a listen. I appreciate the feedback and am extremely relieved to hear I sound feminine rather than husky/manly - I've ALWAYS been self concious of my normal speaking voice which is probably why I'm having a hard time accepting my singing voice.


Last night I spent about 4 hours singing and recording myself and actually playing it back, trying to get used to my voice - prior to last night whenever I heard myself I would honestly almost cry but thankfully I'm starting to slowly overcome this.


I'm using Audacity at the moment which lets me (mostly) strip the vocals leaving the music and also lets me record directly over the top of it, however I was wondering (if you use any) what software you use?


Thanks again!



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Here's a question for you! How do you want to sound?


Your voice is not developed yet so don't worry about it not sounding how you want or getting a description of how it sounds currently because, it will change! When I first started my voice was gravelly and muffled. My voice is clear, bright and centers higher now from my voice training.


Study hard and with correct information and correct application and keep recording yourself to study how far youu are off the sound you want!

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Hey Phil -- thanks for responding. If I could choose anyones voice....it would unquestionably be Carrie Underwoods or Demi Lovatos...or Adeles. Based on what you hear...is this possible? My voice feels shaky and husky and tbh kind of manly lol. But as mentioned before, it could be my severe confidence issues impacting my judgment. What do you think? -Tak

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