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the stranger

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I posted this on another thread but it bears relvance here;


Please remember that America itself was a fundamental core change in how the world governs! Things do fundamentally change. I must tell you that the only reason I brought Obama into this thread was to show you that there is something happening in the world that is a major shift of power, of policy and of consciousness.


The financial meltdown and Obama's victory are part of the same chord of vast change that is underfoot. These things do not happen in a vacuum, they are part of a thread that runs through time and usually only in retrospect do we see that point where one era ends and another begins. We are in such a moment now.


Have you ever in your lifetime seen such an outpouring of joy as you did across the country last night? I have never in my lifetime seen people respond this way after an election result. People feel it. Check out my CD on my website. There is a song called Joni that I did for an astrology movie this year and that is what the song is about.


In 1965 we were at a moment of change just as we were in 1918 when the world was realigned after World War I. We are such a cycle of change now. It is also no coincidence that both candidates ran as the

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