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Kick Tunin~


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Hey guys..new to site..just wonderin bout tunin the kick


I need to know exactly how to tune in well...what type of things i should place in it and any tips on cuttin holes in the skin....i always hear the same old just put pillows or a blanket or somethin in there...but i would like ot know if anyone has experimented wit sound...what does like eg a pillow give to the kick..or a blanket..or pillow and blanket..any difference in sound...stuff it or fold it?...that type of stuff...im lookin for a nice thump to the kick...maybe the quality of the head would help but im pretty shure my head is workin fine...so yeh any tips..im playin rock music to...but i really want the nice thump to the kick...if theres any one out there that could gimme tips thata be cool...

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