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Posts posted by hi.flyer

  1. Originally posted by DevilRaysFan

    I'm willing to bet that, in a blues jam, an E chord would be a dominant 7 chord, not a major 7 chord in which D would be correct
    ...although Deville originally said to start on the 5 which would, more than likely ( and diatonically correct) a B7, making the inital hi "A" you said a possibility

    .......... The funny thing is, I use this stuff as a skeleton --- I try to think froma "vocal point of view" and just sing whats in my heart and not worry about all the formulas


    argh! ive been out-theory-snobbed!! :mad:




    you are of course absolutely right... :o

  2. Originally posted by DevilRaysFan

    I would, of course, start on B.

    Deville and I just communicated musically extremely fast and simple. Like I said above: just like DSL


    a high A might be nice too


    ooo! or the leading tone perhaps?

  3. Originally posted by Kid Vicious

    ...And as far as theory snobs that look down on those with less knowledge of theory than them, I wouldn't suggest bothering with those people anyway.


    personally, i dont "look down on" anyone im collaborating with musically. its just annoying to actual sit down and chart out your whole song, bring it in and then have to tab it all out for some guy, even tho youre really baked :mad:



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