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  • Use VST Plug-Ins with DirectX Apps

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    The Waldorf D-Pole running in Sound Forge
    (Click for a full size image)

    Amulet Audio Software UK today announced that their new plug-in, "VST toDirectX Adapter", is now shipping, priced at $50.

    Users of PC-based Direct-X plug-in compatible software, such as Cakewalk, Emagic's Logic Audio series, Sonic Foundry's Sound Forge and ACID range, and Samplitude 5.x/2496, will find this plug-in enormously useful, as it gives them access to the whole range of top-quality commercial, freeware, and shareware VST-compatible Plug-Ins. CPU overhead is less than 2% on a Pentium MMX-233 in most cases, and latency is zero.

    The VST to DirectX Adapter Plug-In is priced only $50, and is available from Amulet's Web site with secure online ordering.

    A Demo version is scheduled for later this month; version 1.1 - featuring, amongst other things, full MIDI automation of all plug-in parameters, and a special "Groove Automation" mode for loop processing in Acid and Sound Forge - will be released during Q2.

    Amulet is a new UK-based audio software house, specializing in making music applications talk to each other, as well as creative, musician-friendly digital signal processing. Future products include a line of free- and shareware VST format plug-ins, and a LAN-based audio and MIDI solution for PC "audio rendering farm" clusters.

    VST Technology was developed by Steinberg GmBH, and is a registered trademark of Steinberg.

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