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  • New Windows Soft Synth Released

    By Guest |

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    Audio Simulation has announced the release of its new software synthesizer for the Windows 95/98 platform: the Dream Station. Dream Station is a software-only virtual workstation which features Audio Simulation's SmartOSC synthesis library, offering a virtual analog synth, wavetable synth, step-time sequencer, mixer, effect processors. Available effects include delay, phasing, flanging, chorus, and reverb, with several varieties of each effect (mono, stereo, spatial, etc.).

    More than two years have been spent on developing the sound engine, and with a fast CPU and good sound card, Dream Station provides a response time around 5 milliseconds. Full MIDI support (including MIDI synchronization and virtual MIDI ports for connection to sequencers or other software synths) allows Dream Station to be incorporated into an existing MIDI environment.

    System Requirements:


    • Windows 95 or 98 operating system
    • Fully DirectX 5 compatible sound card - PCI suggested
    • A minimum of 32 megabytes memory - 64/128 is suggested, faster SDRAMs are preferred
    • Fast processor, min. Pentium 200 MHz - Pentium-II 400 MHz or faster suggested
    • SVGA display with 32k+ colors
    • 10MB free hard drive space
    • MIDI keyboard (optional)


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