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What Is It When Women Say:

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it is saying they take every bad experience from a man in their life and project it onto every man they meet. So if a man does something one man did he surely will do everything bad that every man has ever done to her.


To me is no different than saying all [insert any nationality/ethnicity] are all alike.

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It is a generalization, and all generalizations are false.


Nice. ;)


Men and women are different. And the things that draw us to each other (those straight among us at least) don't erase the objectionable traits we don't like (or understand) in the opposite sex.


All women are the same. They get angry at me when I try to solve their problem. They're crying, I try to fix it and they get mad and tell me I'm not listening!?!?!? All women are the same.


We live with different paradigms. To deny it, is to risk objecting to and despising as opposed to acknowledging and embracing.

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Well, lots of men think all women are the same too. A few in this thread probably. ;)


I don't think all men are the same by any stretch. There are a few generalizations I can make, but there are always exceptions. Most of my friends are men anyway, and most of them don't fit the typical mold, cuz I tend to like artsy types who don't mind challenging the stereotypes.


I've noticed though that both men and women are willing to make generalizations about themselves when it suits their purpose. I have male friends who can't seem to stay faithful to a partner for instance, and try to justify it by saying "It's a guy thing. Men are wired to have multiple partners, you wouldn't understand." :rolleyes: And female friends who say "I'm a woman, I wouldn't know anything about how to fix a lawn mower." :rolleyes: Or whatever. So stereotypes are perpetuated just as much by individuals as by the opposite gender, I've noticed. Society lays out roles for each gender and people mostly follow them, lest they be considered "unfeminine" or "unmasculine". Which IMO is a real bummer. Lots of people don't fit into those pigeonholes but feel compelled to try.

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Yeah I hate stereotypes. I tend to group people together who have like spirits. I see men and women behaving the same way. There are faithful men and faithful women, and there are unfaithful men and unfaithful women.


To me people aren't so much male and female as they are deep or shallow. Well, of course I'm glad females are different in some ways. :love: I think we all search for soulmates

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One thing that is fact not fiction is that all men (usually , and yes , to varying degrees ) are operating under the effects of testosterone and not estrogen .

It is a simple reality that we think about the reproductive act many , many more times a day ( make that per minute .... er ... millisecound ?)then the female . This is an evolutionary adaptation that is successfull because if , for instance , you guild or neuter a bull ( that is REMOVE THERE BALLS) they become dossile and un-interested in fighting and competing for anything , much less the right to pass on there DNA.


It is my theory ( Keep in mind that I don't consider evolution and christianity to be mutually exclusive ) Since the bible says that god made the animals first , men are built on that simple , limbic, animal foundation . We do however have allot more on top of that foundation and ought to be able to use reason to prevent us from letting the little chrome dome do all of our thinking .


What just recently happened to a prominent NFL player should make us all consider that perhaps purchasing a red sports car is a better way to engage in a mid-life crisis.

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......."One thing that is fact not fiction is that all men (usually , and yes , to varying degrees ) are operating under the effects of testosterone and not estrogen ....."


Speak for yourself. I'm operating under the effects of beer.


My GF is out shopping with her friends.


All women are the same.

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