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Is it just me or is NAAM coverage kind of weak this year?


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goes with the economy it seems.....didnt the E3 convention tone itself down the last few years as well?



That was to turn it back into a tradeshow for the industry-related media. The organizers felt the spectacle was overwhelming the tradeshow aspect of it. It was also getting needlessly expensive for the participants who had to organize extravagant booths crowded on by hordes of fans who don't even write articles about the new games and products.

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Yeah -very few manufacturers came out with anything new it seems, Fender has some new Strats that closely resemble other Strats which closely resemble some other Strats which look a lot like................previous Strats.



ahh, so you are familiar with Fender's business model.. Good =)

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Worst NAMM show I've ever been too. Lots of no-show vendors (including some fairly big companies). Lots of unused booth space down stairs. Not a lot of interesting products and not nearly the usual quota of over the top booth babes. It was also WAY too loud and security was obnoxiously intrusive.

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Worst NAMM show I've ever been too. Lots of no-show vendors (including some fairly big companies). Lots of unused booth space down stairs. Not a lot of interesting products and not nearly the usual quota of over the top booth babes. It was also WAY too loud and
security was obnoxiously intrusive.


Body cavity searches all around? :eek:

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Hmm, IMHO this years NAMM was heads and shoulders better than last. There were [apparently] 30% fewer vendors but the aisles were packed [relatively speaking] compared to last. Nothing even close to the 2004 show, but if the trend continues I believe 2009 will go down as the low point and 2010 as the start of the turnaround.


We [supro/Pigtronix/Zinky/Danedetto] had tons of traffic and, HC aside - Craig and crew just walked on by for some reason, the media were all over our booth. This year was particularly good on the artist side with people like Bootsy Collins, Tony Levin, Billy 'Buddha' Dickens stopping by to hang, check out and pickup product.


The weak point was on the independent dealer side. Very, very few - and we were on the lookout for them. I think that was a reflection of how hard hit the independents have been hit by the economic woes.


The basement was pretty much a disaster - lots of empty space. I didn't get around much this year as I stayed pretty close to the booth. Fender had a pretty cool Jazzmaster double-neck with a 6 on top and a bass VI on the bottom. The rest of their stuff was pretty pedestrian. The DJ and digital side was hopping in stark contrast to 2004 when hardly anyone roamed those aisles. I couldn't find Gibson, and I tried a couple of times. I understand they were down to a single wall in an associates booth.


Check out www.whatsthatdudeplay.com for some videos. These guys were very active and should have tons of demos up.


HC coverage [Craig, Phil, et. all] was pretty weak though.

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was pretty weak though.



I can see how it could have been good for some of the vendors: fewer competitors because of the no-shows and the crowds were certainly there.


You're right about the basement. It was pretty much a disaster. On the hand, it seemed like anyone who wanted to move their booth upstairs was able to do so whereas that used to take years on a waiting list.


BTW, Gibson had a portion of the Monster booth. It was really pathetic and I suspect they'd have been better off with nothing at all. They did have a large meeting room on the second floor.

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