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when you say guitars stay in tune...


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do they mean like you can do like 20 bends and it doesnt even change 4 cents flat or anything


Good question. I am curious myself. Whne I say it, I mean that I don't have to tune for 10+ songs on a trem guitar, or a day or two on a non trem guitar. Are my expectations too low? :idk:

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my most stable guitar is my partscaster.. i have to tune it maybe once a week or so... i play it between 2 and 4 hours a day.. by in tune i mean on the m13 tuner (not sure how accuate it is) it stays dead center or just a hair out but still registering as in tune according to the display...


they rest... usually need a tune after being picked up and then once heated up to body temp a slight readjustment... thats about it so maybe once a session it will be a tiny bit out...

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