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Electric newb here,asking for help..


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looking at getting a beginner axe and amp for country/southern rock style playing.Just dont know what i should look at.i will probably never play anywhere but home or a family get together.I was thionking a 10-15 watt Orange amp from my local shop.not sure on the axe though.Experience level is this: Been learning to play acoustic for about a year.:)

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the big choice you have to make between electrics is whether you are looking for a humbuckers or single coils. then the debate goes on. strat/tele/LP/etc.


so are you going for a skynard sound (les paul)? brad paisley sound (tele)? eric clapton sound (strat)?


there are countless more examples of players and the guitars they use, just post up some of the songs you want your tone to sound like.

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i would say more of a Brad Paisley or Kieth Urban style.I was looking at some of the Squier models.Would not object to other brands.One brand my local shop carries is AXL but my instructor says he would rather have the Squier.

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I got to play for a few minutes on mi father-in-laws Epi LP Plus he bought from a friend for 300 bucks.Was new,lucky dog.Anyway i kind of like the sound of it through his old Stage 750 solid state amp(no effects) but i was told the strat or tele is more suited to the beginner and country style music.I dont know myself. He has a Vintage 70s model Gibson LP Custom in sunburst i couldnt get him to let me try it yet.LOL

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I started out with a guitar "kit" that included an Ibanez and an amp and I played that thing for hours and hours. Eventually I added four more guitars and four more amps to the mix but I still play that guitar occasionally.


That said, I'm not sure I'd reccommend that to someone else since the quality isn't that great and if you really enjoy playing you'll move up fairly quickly...but it worked well for me.


My suggestion to you is to go play some moderately priced guitars. There aer some fabulous guitars out there. MIM Strats are great value. Some of the Ibanez are great value. A middling Les Paul is very versatile (I have one with P90s and I love it).


Take your time and pick the one that "feels" like "the one."

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Classic Vibe Telecaster and Fender Super Champ XD would make a nice rig

Go used.

The more I play my SCXD the more I like it.



+1. Go try some out, though. You might find one that just "fits."

I heard about everyone here raving about the CV Squier teles and finally got around to trying one out. Terrific guitars and one will carry you a long way beyond beginner.



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Classic Vibe Telecaster and Fender Super Champ XD would make a nice rig

Go used.

The more I play my SCXD the more I like it.



I'd lean towards the CV strat but yeah... this would make a great rig. I slightly prefer the Vox VT30 to the Super Champ, but both are so far beyond what I started on it's not even funny.


This would put you around $600 - $700 if everything is new though which isn't a small sum for a 'starter kit' even though this starter kid can carry you far.


For something closer to $300 for everything, I'd look for a used Squier Standard (better than the Bullet or Affinity series) for maybe $150 and whatever kind of amp suits you. Again, used makes your $$$ go quite a bit further, esp in this price range.

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I think the Telecaster is the perfect beginner guitar. Has a feel that is really compatible with the acoustic you've been learning on. A strat has a different feel, a little softer touch, springier and faster. Both have their advantages. I was thinking that Keith Urban plays a Les Paul Jr.


The truth is, you can pull of country/southern leads from anything with a bridge pickup. Twang is more in the technique than anything else.


I'd say get whatever feels right to you.

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hey folks what about something like one of those "Nashville deluxe teles" , the ones with 3 pickups, does perhaps Squire make a low cost version of one of those ????'


just wondering , i never played one, but do they combine the bridge and neck pickup positions like a tele does while also giving you a sorta strat bridge and middle pickup switch tone too ??? .. I was just thinking if so, then that would give one the best compromise of both the tele and strat worlds, the tele bridge neck twang and the strat clapton/knopfler middle neck and middle bridge tones too...sorta maybe kinda..??? what say ye all ? :idk:




Is there a lower cost version of this thats in the price range of a first time electric buyer ????



the one below is going for about 599 at MF... link to MF - http://guitars.musiciansfriend.com/product/Fender-Deluxe-Nashville-Telecaster-Electric-Guitar?sku=510067






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Sometimes Rondo has an SX Nashville copy. But I don't think they have it in stock right now.


thanks , I looked it up and found an old posting of it, but did not see it on thier current site, still it was listed at only 109 bucks on the old posting not a bad price for entry level electric.


old posting with pictures - Link - http://www.rondomusic.com/stl62sssvwh.html


think they have a lefty version on this page,,, link = http://www.rondomusic.com/cgi-rondomusic/sb/productsearch.cgi?storeid=*18c68160d745a1ccd16d467e415e


thanks twofoolsaminute for the heads up :)

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I'd suggest you head out to your nearest Guitar Center and try out a few LPs, Strats and Teles. Play them all and see which one feels most comfortable for you.


Pay attention to how the neck feels since that's about the only thing you won't be able to easily change in the future. Don't worry too much about the pickups since after you figure out the type of sound your after, it'll be easy to find pups to match.


After you figure out what type of guitar you feel the best with, you'll be able to find any of those three guitars in all price ranges. Remember, you're not in a hurry so take your time so you'll be able to grow into your new guitar.


Good luck on your search.

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