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The guitar I have been playing lately is...


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Sometimes we don't play our most expensive, or best player, or newest acquisition. The guitar I have been playing most in the last couple weeks is...




Washburn Idol WI64.


It is fairly new. It is light, comfortable, and the neck PUP has a very different darker quality than the bridge PUP, and I am still exploring those differences. It can do nice clean vintage jazz tones, and also do high gain very well. A really nice match for my Vox VT30.


How about you?


- w

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Me and the Epi LP have been hanging out together making crunchy distorty noises all week, because I finally swapped pickups last week. It was always a good player with mediocre, kind of generic sound, but now I'm extremely pleased with the way it sounds.


The "new" (old, stolen from another guitar) pickups are ceramic and they like a little or a lot of gain.


I also had the house alone for a few hours this afternoon, so all of my favorites came out for some loud time. :thu:

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I usually dont play just one, i have a few that go in cycles. Right now its these three.


'87 Westone....thinking about going 80's and changing plastics to red, has Tex mex singles and a Duncan Desined from a Schecter--looking into a Super Distortion though for that classic sound.





Hello Kitty. I play this thing alot. Changed all the hardware, added a Duncan TB-4, Fret leveled it, stays in tune and can rock hard for hours.





And my Chibanez Jem copy. A project that i am playing. Its some where between a lower end Ibanez RG and a Squire strat in terms of feel, fit, finish, hardware and playability. Its nothing like a higher end deal though. But unlike alot of these, the neck is straight (and actually has a truss rod), stays in tune well, Is made of solid wood (not ply) and gives me the essence of a JEM without the price tag. I bought a replacement RG pickgaurd, you can see it doesn't quit fit well. I like the red on white so i bough a blank sheet so i can cut my own that'll fit better. A very comfortable guitar for me to play. A good deal at $100



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I have a factory distressed WI-64D and i love it. i have an X2N in the bridge. its a sweet guitar and i havent played it for ever. i will have to pick it up.

back on topic, i play my gibson les paul studio satin ebony the most. i play that over my full trim studio.



I see you like Washburns. Yup - the WI64 is a great little guitar. I have a red flammed WI45 on order.


- w

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I keep turning to my Tradition JR with the stock neck and SD Hot rail bridge. Sounds incredible in any of my amps and just makes me smile from the first strum. $100 used!!

Woody, love that cherry idol!!


Ha Ha! Your equivalent of my FA Garagemaster - cheap and a blast to play. I remember you did a clip on the Tradition I saw.


- w

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The guitar I've been playing recently is my mother's nylon string classical (which she never learned to play anyway).


My steel string acoustic needs repair, and has no strings, and my new Strat isn't quite built yet :lol:


I should really get a backup electric :facepalm:

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Been playing this almost exclusively since I got it a couple of weeks ago:







The neck and body have the same satin finish that the back of the neck on the LP Ultra has - this thing is SMOOTH. The overall build quality is really good, especially the neck - no bad frets, intonation dead on, etc. This is the most playable LP I've had.


The Mira's getting jealous :(, but shouldn't worry ;)



EDIT - Yes, I've pulled the pickup labels off since then :facepalm:

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