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7 string bridge pickup for an RG7421


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I just bought my second RG 7421 and in my other RG I have an Evolution in the bridge. The Evolution is great but lacks a little bit of low end and picks up a fair amount of "string talk" What pickups would you guys throw in an ibanez? I know duncans won't fit except the black outs. Only di marzios fit. I don't want a mids scooped pickup. I play brutal death metal with tech parts I need a clear pickup I don't care how high output the pickup is I just want a good palm mute crunch and note clarity. I haven't found good demos of most pickups on youtube. On the album I just recorded it used an all mahogany carvin with a rosewood fretboard and stock pick ups and got a great tone but live and at band practice it sounds a little muddy to me plus the carvin is way to nice to take on the road.

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I'm actually considering the Blaze Custom for my RG7321, but the "regular" Blaze is compared to the Steve's Special (6) which I think is a very clear-sounding pickup in a high-gain situation. I just happen to need more mids for the stuff I'm playing on sevens, and the Custom is supposed to have more midrange emphasis (or less scoop, anyway) than the original Blaze.

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