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NAD (w/clip)


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Pardon me for being so late with my celebratory NAD post, but here it is. I sniped a red stripe Peavey Studio Pro 112 about 2 weeks ago on ebay for $120 shipped. I was very disappointed to find the speaker it arrived with was buzzing, but after a few emails with the seller, I was able to get some money kicked back. I ripped a speaker out of another amp I had lying around that I never use, and all is well.


Not mine, obviously. I have recording equipment, but not a camera. :facepalm:



So far I'm not sure if I like the amp or not, but it does sound better than any of my other amps with a mic in front of it (not saying a lot, considering my other amps).


The clip is a jazzy improv I came up with. I used a Boss RC2 (the click in the beginning is me starting the looper) in the effects loop to make a backing track, and went from there. The guitar used is my Warmoth Partscaster playing through a GFS Vintage 59 in the bridge. Pardon the clams.




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Thank guys!

Yeah, that is the amp's distortion. I find the High Gain channel with the gain turned down sounds better to me than the vintage channel for a lower gain sound. The clean channel is pretty nice, though.

I know what you mean about the RC2 beats. They're not that great, and I usually don't even bother trying to find a beat I like. I wish at least one of them was a swing beat. :mad:

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I eventually gave up on the beats, the uneven volume of playback and the clumsy usability. It seemed like such a wonderful tool at first. :(


Have you thought about using the other channel for harmonies (if that's a thing you like). Sometimes, a recorded tone can be better than what you hear in the room, plus it gives you different frequencies to work with. The high gain channel turned down is a good idea, though, it sounds full.

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