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Buying a bunch of near-identical cheapies?


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So I hadn't really been playing my electrics much for the last 2-3 years, just not that interested and nobody to play with around here. Lately I've been in a Sonic Youth kick, and for grins I tuned my Tele to FFFFBB to get the SY vibe going. I've played it more in the last week than in the last two years, and I think it's the new/weird/cool vibe of playing in a weird tuning.


So now I'm thinking of buying several cheap, identical-ish guitars to put in extra weird tunings. Any suggestions on something that'd be reliable but dirt-cheap? I'm thinking new B-stock Xaviere strat types. I have a Peavey Predator that I like a lot, but with those (buying via e-bay) there's always the chance it'll turn up as a POS.


Other suggestions?


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