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I wanna put a humbucker in the bridge of my tele...


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I put a Duncan Little 59 in the bridge of my Tele and it sounds great. I installed it with a push-pull pot for series/parallel switching. I usually use it in series for high gain leads and it is fat and punchy, but I can switch to parallel if I want a bit more twang and bite.



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SD little '59 is an option as is GFS lil puncher. I've tried the '59 and it works as advertised. Very much like a PAF. There are many other mini 'buckers out there for Tele bridge. Do some research.




I had the GFS in my American Tele for a few months, but it was too much output with a non-distinctive tone. Sold it off.


I put a Little 59 into the bridge slot a few months ago, and holy {censored}! That is the sweetest pickup I've ever used. Very fat, tons of mids, and it tones down my Tele's insane treble response. Just such a great pickup, and it still has a slight twang when played clean.


Can't recommend it enough! :thu:

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Im not in love with the Tele bridge pickup theres really nothing I can use it for...

That neck however....



Most tele players feel the opposite. For me, the bridge pickup is the heart and soul... darkens up with a bit of gain, and sounds great with the tone rolled back.

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Im wanting to put some fender vintage noiseless set in my tele vie heard they have the sustain of a humbucker!



You heard wrong. They sound pretty much like a regular Tele bridge unit -- maybe minus the last coupla degrees of bite -- only without the buzzzzz or hummmmm.


Hence the name 'Vintage Noiseless.'

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