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So, Gibson Is Promising Us A Revolution

Elias Graves

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Actually I don't think they promised a revolution. The press release said "Uprising" if I recall correctly.


I think their uprising is in the fact that sure, maybe they'll sell their 1800 copies to people who will stuff it away in a hermetically sealed box so that 50 years from now it will be worth almost what it costs now on the collectors market... but the uprising is in the vomitous tasting fluid coming out of actual guitar players' guts at the whole idea of this thing.


I think if they had wanted to announce something worthwhile they could have announced that they plan on replanting a forest full of madagascar rosewood. Alas it is what it is and I need to go so I can listerine this uprising taste out of my mouth.

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I feel badly for Henry. He is a person after all. Kind of feel that way for Hitler at the end of WWII documentaries too. Just sayin...

I feel bad for the Firebird. That guitar is already the black sheep of Gibson, when it came out in the early 60s it was to compete with Fender Jazzmaster and Jaguars (offset bodies) but it didnt do so well but kept around anyway. Now it has this to deal with. :facepalm:

Im all for new if its not just rehashed old copies of Fender designs.

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Who is ready to take the Avenging Luddite Oath?


I a true Luddite and keeper of the faith do hereby swear to destroy any of the Devils Innovations henceforth called The Firebird X in any evil variation of the 1800 scourges that are levied at $4000-$5000 that may fall into my hands.
By all that is Holy and Resonates with the True Spirits of the Wood & Craftsmanship of the Faithful Luddite Luthiers of the Realm.

I do hereby swear
____________________ In the year of Lord Les __________

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