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wire splice on a HB pickup question..


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i have a HB pickup and the 4 wire leads are a little short for my application..

but i cannot find a wire as fine a gauge as i need.. so im going with a little thicker wire i have some 22 guage hookup wire.. will this be ok or i really need to go for a finer diameter? im not even sure i can find 28 or 32 or what ever size is standard on these modern 4 lead tap-able pickups..


im thinking i should be fine as long as the connection is solid on the splice and solder is good.



any ideas..


need some help..

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I've used some regular old wire from my garage, maybe a 22 AWG (?), for this type of thing. Works fine. I can't say if it actually makes a difference over using the correct diameter wire, but it worked fine for me. I soldered the ends and used heat shrink over the joints.

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I picked up a little roll of vintage style cloth covered wire at one of the local music stores. It's slightly thicker than what you would find on a 4 conductor pickup and It's worked just fine for lengthening leads. I kind of like that wire and have been using it on all my rewire projects.

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I agree with the posters here. 22AWG is fine. In fact my father made me splice 2 different wire gauges together when I was learning. But if you're anal about this the correct wire is available and not too expensive.

And I find it a lot easier to splice wires of the same gauge. Maybe I remember cursing Dad under my breath? It was a great lesson.

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ok cool thanks for the advise confirmation and all that.. its not a huge problem as i though.. stripping that 28 Guage wire is a PIA.. but the fellow i bought the guitar from really did a hack job of the harness so i got out the solder sucker and just decided meh... redo the whole thing.. may bite me in the arse but its a good learning experience.. just hope i dont burn out the pots..


awell... back to it..

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yea I thought about that.. but its so much more easy to go up a few guages and i have it on hand.. and its way more easy to work with then that angel hair they use on these 4 conduct pickups... i dunno i about through just need to attach the grounds all leads are spliced... i fully expect to need a new wiring harnass but i had to give it a go.. it looks like it should work,

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welp i think i followed this diagram to the letter and for some reason my 3 way switch seem not to be working.. the neck tone and vol seems to work the bride tone and vol seems not to work so well...




totally new at this so im not sure how to trouble shoot this out.. could i have burnt out a lug on a pot?


the tops of the pots are now really messy with solder.. i hate to just give up on this.. any ideas on trouble shooting .. i dont have a volt meter so.. thats no good..


any one been down this road? :facepalm:

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Umm, if you have a 3 way switch with lugs that are configured just like that drawing it may make sense, but just looking at the pic that switch doesn't make sense to me, (I think this is actually from a Seymour Duncan drawing). It would be nice to see a schematic of that switch to see if the drawing is reasonable.


edit: after a second look, it seems to me that that drawing is just a total screwup - looks to me like output is being shorted to ground. Maybe somebody else will enlighten us.

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starting from square one again.. down to pots.. any suggestions on the most easy wire harness diagram.. not sure which one to go with but i done have any caps to stretch from vol to tone so the 50s style is out...


i guess i will just go with the agile one posted up thread,,


on difference be tween that and S duncan is Green for Black.. black for green

green hot black ground..

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