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Help! Gibson S-1


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In the next few days I am going to go and pick up a Gibson S-1 from a friend of mine (trading a PRS SE for it). I have always liked the feel and look of these guitars but the only problem is is that he doesn't have the original pickguard, pick ups or electronics lol, it has some wierd sheet metal home made pickguard and a humbucker and p 90 setup. I was wondering if the bodies and routing are the same as the gibson marauders or gibson sonex's. I can get the S-1 pickguard from WD but the pickups to match and especially the wierd 4 way rotary switch are harder.


I would really like to set it up for dual humuckers, which is why I ask about the marauder or sonex pickguard possibilty which would make this a much more simple affair


Thanks in advance for any advice given :)

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After looking closer it seems the marauder pickguard would be the only able to fit without routing more of the body to make room for the additional tone and volume pots, although I have seen other people mod the marauder pickguards to fit two humbuckers..... this is going to be a project regardless lol

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sonex bodies come in two styles, swimming pool rout and two humbucker rout. the marauder has two different pick guards as well, one has a switch mount on the bottom toward the neck and the other has the switch next to the pots under the bridge. my guess is that later marauders didn't have the rout for the switch next to the underside of the neck. s1 and marauder pick guards look the same to me but the marauder i have doesn't have a swimming pool rout like i assume the s1 does. and the Marauder has a single coil next to its bridge

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